Frequently asked questions

What is juble.io?
juble.io is a software company specializing in building applications and integrations for popular help desk platforms like Zendesk and Intercom. We help businesses enhance their help desk capabilities and streamline their customer support operations.
What benefits can I expect from integrating my help desk with juble.io?
By integrating your help desk with juble.io, you can streamline your workflows, automate processes, and enhance collaboration across systems. Our solutions enable efficient data synchronization, improved response times, and a more seamless customer support experience.
How can I get started with juble.io?
Getting started with juble.io is easy. Simply contact us through the provided contact form or email us at info@juble.io. We will be happy to discuss your requirements and provide you with the necessary information to get started.
Are there any setup fees or hidden costs?
We are transparent with our pricing structure. We will provide you with a detailed breakdown of costs and any associated fees during our initial discussions. There are no hidden costs, and we strive to offer competitive pricing for our solutions.
Can I request a demo or trial of your solutions?
Yes, we offer demos and trials of our solutions. Please reach out to us through the provided contact form or email us at info@juble.io to discuss your requirements and schedule a demo or trial.
Which help desk platforms do you support?
We currently provide solutions for Zendesk and Intercom. However, we are continuously expanding our integrations, so stay tuned for updates on new platforms.
Do you offer custom solutions?
Yes, we understand that each business has unique requirements. We offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs. Our team will work closely with you to understand your goals and workflows and deliver a solution that aligns perfectly with your business.
What level of support do you offer?
We pride ourselves on providing exceptional customer support. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your success and satisfaction. We offer responsive support and are committed to addressing your questions and concerns promptly.
Is my data secure with juble.io?
We take data security seriously. We implement robust security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, loss, or alteration. Your information is treated with strict confidentiality, and we adhere to industry best practices to ensure the privacy and security of your data.
What payment options do you accept?
We accept various payment options, including major credit cards and bank transfers. Our team will provide you with the necessary details and guidance to complete your payment securely.

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